AXI4 Lite RTL requirements : Things to keep in mind for Slave implementation

 RTL Requirements :

1. Data width = 32 or 64 bits 

(Downsizer may required based on master interface this slave is getting connected with)

2. Burst length supported = 1  

( AxBURST = 0x1 )

3. Memory type = non-bufferable, non-modifiable

(AxCACHE [3:0] = 0x0)

4. Write Strobe = supported

5. Outstanding transaction = Optional to slave

Most slave dont support outstanding transaction

6. ID support : Simply slave should reply with ID it been received

7. xLAST = considered as 0x1 for read and write transfer

8. AxLOCK, AxCACHE, AxPROT = 0x0 not supported

9. xRESP - EXOKAY not supported


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